Monday, March 3, 2014

A New Endeavor

Fellow teachers, crafters, bloggers and all who have discovered this blog, WELCOME!!! I have had a lot of success sharing my ideas for teaching through Pinterest so I have decided to create a blog to help share these ideas easier!!

I am a Computer Lab teacher for a K-2 school and I love it!  I have learned so much this year. People think I am crazy for teaching my K-2 students Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint and other things but they have completed every assignment successfully and have blown me away with their ability!!!! I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope that my resources can be of use to you!! So follow my blog and comment with feedback!! :)

The biggest interest so far has been the activities I completed with my students during the Olympics! This was an idea that a fellow teacher and I thought up and it became so much more than we ever dreamed!!! We got the whole school involved, learned about the different countries represented by the students in our school, we had an opening ceremony where the students passed the torch around the gym and then lit the big torch. We combined the closing ceremony with our Multicultural day. Parents came in and presented on their country and the students got to be hands on in certain stations. It was a HUGE success.Here are activities that I did with my students:
  • We learned about the Olympics through a PowerPoint I created.
  • We played a Jeopardy game which the students LOVED.
  • The kids created wordles using "Tagxedo" and put them in the shape of different countries or continents that had participants in the Olympics. My stem was, "What are words that you think of when I say 'Olympics'." (Here is an example of one)

Here is my bulletin board for the unit!

Here is a picture of our "torches" and our giant torch from the Opening Celebration. The torches are made from flashlights, tissue paper taped around the edge, and aluminum foil wrapped around the bottom. 

I also had the students tally mark the awards that the countries received as the Olympics we taking place. They LOVED this!!

What a success this unit was. I had a blast and so did the kids!

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